The most important office, and the one which all of us can and should fill, is that of private citizen.
– Louis Brandeis
The League of Women Voters of Roanoke Valley does not support or oppose any political party or candidate. While the League of Women Voters encourages involvement in the political life of the country, there are necessary limitations on board members’ political activity while they are serving in this capacity to protect the non-partisanship of the League as an organization.
In order to balance the political involvement in the nonpartisanship nature of the league, the League of Women Voters of the Roanoke Valley adopted the following policy.
- Elected Office. A board member shall not run for, nor hold any partisan elective office at any level of government. A board member may run for or hold a local nonpartisan elective office, after consultation with, and approval by, the LWV-RV board.
- Political Party Office. A Board member shall not serve in any official position in a political party at any level of government.
- Political Campaigns. The President and the Voter Services Chair shall not chair a political campaign or administer fundraising for a political campaign, chair a campaign event, be a spokesperson, or work in any other significant way in the campaign of a candidate for a partisan office at any level of government.
- Campaign Contributions. The President and the Voter Services Chair shall not make campaign contributions to campaigns or candidates for any federal office or to political parties or other entities contributing to such federal races.
- Social and Other Media. The President and the Voter Services Chair shall not indicate her/his political affiliations or candidate preferences at any level of government in the media, including on social networking sites or other public venues that also prominently identify her/his as a member of the LWV-RV Board.
- Coalitions. The LWV-RV may join a coalition unless the coalition that the League is considering joining or will concentrate its activities on supporting or opposing candidates
- Additional Clarification. Board members shall present questions about specific situations to the LWVUS/EF Board where the foregoing policies do not resolve the question.
- Resignations. A board member may resign from the board to engage in political activity only if they have no outstanding commitments in their role.